We are OneChiropractic...

OneChiropractic is a global advocate for the chiropractic profession, committed to safeguarding the rights of chiropractors and ensuring that patients have access to essential chiropractic care.

OneChiropractic serves the profession through 3 pillars of support, including – The Chiropractic Defense Council, Health Missions and Operation Backbone.

Our Programs & Initiatives

Chiropractic Defense Council

Protecting and Defending the Rights of Practicing Chiropractors




Global Ambassadors for the Advancement of Chiropractic


Operation Backbone

Resources for Treating & Supporting Our Military Through Chiropractic


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Hot Off the Press

The State of Chiropractic

The Official Publication for One Chiropractic and the Chiropractic Defense Council

Explore the intersection of law, policy & chiropractic in the only publication dedicated to the defense of the practice of chiropractic.

Breaking OneChiropractic News

Your contributions at work:

Press Release

1 in 10,000 Campaign

OneChiropractic One in 10,000 campaign launches!   OneChiropractic has launched its One in 10,000 campaign to defend and grow the use of chiropractic worldwide. OneChiropractic is committed to advancing the chiropractic profession through leadership, advocacy, defense, and community connections. It strives to defend and support chiropractors to thrive in their…
September 11, 2024
Press Release

OneChiropractic asks the profession to unite in Australia

OneChiropractic founder and CEO Bharon Hoag called on chiropractors to join forces against attacks on the profession in Australia. During his 20-day tour across Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria, Bharon spoke with more than 300 chiropractors at town halls about the need to galvanize. “The…
August 20, 2024

The State of Chiropractic Podcast

Tune-in and learn how OneChiropractic is disrupting the profession of Chiropractic

What Does OneChiropractic Do To Achieve Its Goals?


Send out informational and educational videos each week


Challenge and work with State Associations on modern strategic plans


Lobby State, National decisions makers on the truth of chiropractic


Network with chiropractors and state association to educate and motivate employers to change plan designs with insurance.


Solicit and recruit patients to tell their story of chiropractic


Develop and administer projects that change the way chiropractic is viewed on the internet

Join the Mission & Contribute to the Future of Chiropractic

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OneChiropractic Ambassador

Amplifying the Message:

Chiropractors can use the OneChiropractic Ambassador Kit to effectively spread the message by sharing pre-designed social media posts, email templates, and podcast links to engage their personal networks. They can leverage talking points to educate others about chiropractic care and advocacy issues, host local events, and distribute materials to raise awareness. Additionally, subscribers can recruit and mentor new ambassadors, helping to expand the reach of chiropractic advocacy efforts, while promoting fundraising campaigns and encouraging donations supports OneChiropractic’s mission.

Canadian Issues
Ambassador Kit
Australian & New Zealand Issues
Ambassador Kit