Chiropractic’s Most Disruptive Advocacy Organizations

Making Chiropractic The Consumer’s #1 Healthcare Choice

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Learn How We Are Supporting Chiropractic

1 in 10,000 Campaign

By Breaking News, Press Release, Uncategorized

OneChiropractic One in 10,000 campaign launches!   OneChiropractic has launched its One in 10,000 campaign to defend and grow the use of chiropractic worldwide. OneChiropractic is committed to advancing the chiropractic profession through leadership, advocacy, defense, and community connections. It strives to defend and support chiropractors to thrive in their…

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Are You Frustrated With Where Chiropractic Is?

Have you ever had another healthcare provider disparage you?

Are you tired of benefit limitations with insurance plans?

Are you tired of getting paid so poorly for your adjustment?

Ever had a referral for X-ray be rejected on a Medicare Patient?

Tired of the military not covering chiropractic?

Have you ever felt like you had to add services to your practice because your adjustment is reimbursed so low?

Ever had a patient believe that a chiropractor can’t help with a specific condition?

Can you imagine a day when every new born baby is adjusted with 24 hours of their birth?

Are you outraged that spinal injections are reimbursed at a rate 20 times that of the adjustment but ½ as effective?

“Ever so grateful for the broad spectrum of individuals that have come together to form and support One Chiropractic. What One Chiropractic represents (stands up for and against) for the advancement of the profession and the benefit of mankind and their health moving into the future, Is filled with truth, integrity and is priceless! Come join the movement and be part of the solution!”

Kreg D Huffer DC LCP

Be the Authority

It is time your community understood and valued you as an authority and leader in healthcare.

Remove Barriers to Care

The pathway to chiropractic should be the easiest pathway in healthcare.

Value always drives cost

You should be able to make a great living on adjusting alone should you choose to.

Discover how OneChiropractic is making Chiropractic the consumers #1 healthcare choice


What Makes OneChiropractic So Different?

OneChiropractic was created to disrupt the current way our profession functions nationally. A famous quote says it best; “You cannot change a currently reality by fighting it, to change, you must create a new model that makes the old model obsolete” Buckminster Fuller. That is exactly what we are doing. When our profession begins to function differently then we begin to produce different results. OneChiropractic is driven to seek solutions by empowering and equipping the masses of people that love and support chiropractic. By standing strong to the power and story of the adjustment we will break down walls that have limited our profession for decades. We have become a magnet for those people looking to be a part of a tribe that is attacking problems and working with others to create solutions. We are different because we function differently, we believe differently and therefore we achieve differently.

3 Keys to Remain Inspired

Free video series that breaks down the steps to ensure you are inspired and inspire those around you.

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How You Can Become Part of OneChiropractic’s Success

Help us make chiropractic the consumer’s #1 healthcare choice

Decide To Make An Impact

We all agree things need to change in the way chiropractic functions, so decide to join our mission today

Contribute To Something Bigger

We have made you financial commitment very small but the contribution is priceless to the mission

Help Inspire The Profession

By joining the mission you support those that have joined before you and encourage others to join

What Does OneChiropractic Do To Achieve Its Goals?


Send out informational and educational videos each week


Challenge and work with State Associations on modern strategic Plans


Lobby State, National decisions makers on the truth of chiropractic


Network with chiropractors and state association to educate and motivate employers to change plan designs with insurance.


Solicit and recruit patients to tell their story of chiropractic


Develop and administer projects that change the way chiropractic is viewed on the internet


Collaborate and facilitate an educational mission to change the value of the adjustment in the CPT code book


Work with state association to educate and change their state leaders on how chiropractic should be utilized.


Support and motivate chiropractors to keep telling the story of chiropractic.








(MIN $500)
