Dr. Jay Krosen of Bright Light Chiropractic in New Hampshire, USA, was forced to abandon his practice in Rhode Island in 2021 or face retribution for speaking out against mask mandates and vaccinations. He says that his circumstances could have been different if he had listened to OneChiropractic and Chiropractic Defense Council founder and Executive Director Bharon Hoag.
“The pandemic is how I discovered OneChiropractic. My practice was going great. It was one of the highest-volume practices in the northeast. Then covid happened. I had to pivot. I didn’t know how to restart and open it. I wasn’t going to get vaccinated. My representative for the national association was no help.
I’d heard about OneChiropractic through the grapevine, and without even asking for money, Bharon was the only one who had a plan for the paperwork we needed to open our doors as nonvaccinated staff for patients. He laid out everything for us to stay open, but he also gave great advice that I didn’t listen to.
Bharon told me, “Don’t be a keyboard cowboy.” But I was so outraged at the time that I got on social media and tried to shout the truth from the highest tower. I went to antivaccine rallies in Rhode Island. When given the opportunity, I went on TV. I basically told everybody what Bharon told me not to. I told them, “Masks don’t work,” “Standing 6 feet apart doesn’t work,” and “Vaccines are dangerous.”
As a result, I faced four board charges and was told that for every day I wasn’t vaccinated and treating patients, I would be fined $300 and spend 30 to 90 days in jail. My practice, valued at half a million dollars, became worthless overnight. I was alone. I hired an attorney to help me fight all this. He told me that it could all be enforced.
The national organization was no help. The only one who had decent advice was Bharon. So, I shut it down and sold the building for a loss. We sold our home and moved to New Hampshire.
If I had listened to Bharon and flown under the radar, I probably would be in a different situation now. Through all of it, no national organization gave me any advice. The only place I could turn for decent, workable advice was Bharon and the CDC. That’s why I continue to support financially. Thirty-three dollars a month to an organization that is truly fighting for our rights, no brainer to me.
I love that Bharon doesn’t get embroiled in the politics of my profession. When you remove the politics, you can get to the heart of the matter and take care of issues. I see OneChiropractic the same way I see emergency services. We pay them regardless of whether we call, but we pay them well because we never know when we will need them. I don’t contribute to OneChiropractic for what they do; I contribute for what I might need them to do.”